OSCAR SEASON is quickly approaching, which made us think about some of the AMAZING talent we help grow here at CTC. Many of our students possess some stellar skills & abilities, but sometimes we have a student in our midst that really goes the extra mile with their training and we just have to do a little brag session! Digital Media student, Jonathan Bridges, is one such student that falls into this category and in the past few months he’s been racking up an unbelievable number of awards!! (See below)
Jonathan’s exploration into the world of film is something that has been building for many years. The first “spark” of inspiration came when he was just 5 years old and found the family camera while on a camping trip and snapped a pic of his mom. From that point forward, he’s had a driving passion for being behind the camera and, up until recently, has been a self-taught, professional photographer and special-effects make-up artist.
After Jonathan's brother passed away as a result of drug addiction, a gentleman named Chip Rossetti produced a documentary about his life, which provided an outlet for both Jonathan and his father to process their emotions surrounding his untimely death. It was during the filming of the project that he met and connected with CTC’s Digital Media program instructor, Randy McWilson. Mr. McWilson saw the natural talent and skills Jonathan already possessed and encouraged him to begin teaching Movie Special FX Make-up courses through CTC’s Continuing Ed. program so that he could share his knowledge with others.
In addition to his photography work, teaching, and now training in CTC's digital media program; Jonathan has been incredibly busy creating multiple projects ranging from writing and producing for clients across the country as well as working on his own ventures. He's written and produced musical scores, video projects and created his own short film titled, Out of Time, which was filmed locally here in Cape Girardeau & St. Louis, MO, and has won awards all over the world!
After making Out Of Time, Jonathan received backing to shoot a full length feature film -- SIN. Production on this piece has been done in Texas and Georgia. Jonathan reports that they are about to wrap up production on the project and he expects it to be released in 2021 with a premiere slated for the new local Rock ‘N’ Roll Drive-In located in Chaffee, MO.
While we can certainly see great possibilities on the horizon for Jonathan’s career, he says that he’s not interested in fame or fortune. He merely wants to be able to continue honing his craft and make enough money to support himself and his family. We hope he attains this goal and so much more!
Stay tuned here for updates on the release dates and location for SIN coming out in 2021!
*NOTE: Post has had details corrected about which film won awards and information about SIN, including where it was filmed.
In The News
13th Darkness
Bridges Imaging Productions has began pre production on a reboot of sorts for 13th Darkness. They are changing the story line just a little, as well as casting new people for the new and old roles. The do have a a large number of cast coming back to the cast list. Some are coming back in with the same roles as others are being recast in other.
BIP is having Jonathan J. A. Bridges to come back as the director and he planes on having a few other help with directing. Filming is set to start in July 2022 where they plan to film 3 to 5 episodes before releasing any in October of 2023.
They have held auditions April 22 and 23 and plan on another May 6 and 7. Look at the 13th darkness Facebook Page to keep up dated on that and other auditions in the future/